Alternative Resolutions are a complaint resolution option that involves voluntary, formalized agreements made between the Complainant and Respondent that are intended to identify and remedy harm and prevent future harm.
In general, an Alternative Resolution (AR) is an alternative to a Formal Investigation. ARs do not involve an investigation and do not result in a determination of policy violation/s or formal disciplinary action. An AR will not lead to discipline. Only after a formal investigation and a determination that policy has been violated, can an employee, faculty, or student be disciplined or sanctioned for violations of the Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy or the Anti-Discrimination Policy.
In order for an AR to be successful, both the Complainant and Respondent must agree on the terms of the resolution. If both parties do not agree on the terms of the resolution or the respondent does not fulfill/complete the agreed upon, the AR is unsuccessful and the complainant may choose to request an investigation into the allegations.
Per the UC SVSH Policy, Alternative Resolution is not available when the Complainant is a student and the respondent is an employee of the University. Alternative Resolution is also not available where an employee respondent is alleged to have engaged in sexual violence (including sexual assault and sexual battery), as defined in the SVSH Policy.
The terms of an AR are unique to each case and depend on several considerations, including the wishes of the parties; the nature of the conduct; the safety concerns of the campus community. Alternative Resolution may include, among other responses:
separating the parties;
providing for safety;
referring the parties to counseling;
mediation (except in cases of sexual violence);
referral for disciplinary action;
an agreement between the parties;
conducting targeted preventive educational and training programs; and
conducting a follow-up review to ensure that the resolution has been carried out effectively