
About prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention use a three-tiered model of prevention:  

  • Primary prevention: Primary prevention takes place BEFORE violence initially occurs. It involves programs and strategies designed to reduce the factors that put people at risk for experiencing violence. Or, they encourage the factors that protect or buffer people from violence. 

  • Secondary prevention: Secondary prevention takes place immediately AFTER a violent event. It deals with the short-term consequences and focuses on the immediate needs of the victim—such as emergency services or medical care. 

  • Tertiary prevention: Tertiary prevention is a long-term approach AFTER a violent event has occurred. Efforts may include rehabilitation of the perpetrator, or social services to lessen emotional trauma to the victim.

OPHD's contributions to prevention

The Office for the Prevention of Harassment and Discrimination (OPHD) contributes to campus prevention efforts on all three levels.

How OPHD supports Primary Prevention 

  • Annual mandatory prevention training for all students and employees

  • Training, workshops, and consultations for departments and groups on policies and protocols to prevent and respond to SVSH

  • Policy, procedure, and response system creation and implementation

  • Collaborative leadership with the campus Coordinated Community Review Team and other committees 

How OPHD supports Secondary Prevention 

  • Consultations with affected individuals and communities after an incident

  • Intake of reports and initial outreach to complainant 

  • Implementing safety and supportive measures, such as no-contact directives 

  • Referrals to other campus and community resources

How OPHD support Tertiary Prevention

  • Conducts Targeted Educational Conversations, Alternative Resolutions, or Formal Investigations.

Partners in Prevention

OPHD partners with many campus departments and groups to create an environment where everyone can learn, work, and live free of violence. The PATH to Care Center is a key partner in this work. Please visit their Prevention First pages for information. Find more information about the prevention efforts of our campus partners on the Prevention Engagement pages of the campus Addressing SVSH hub website.