When a report is not closed after initial assessment yet is not appropriate for Alternative Resolution, Formal Investigation or a DOE Grievance Process (in SVSH cases) because there is no individual identifiable Respondent over whom OPHD has jurisdiction, OPHD will:
- conduct an inquiry to try to determine what occurred, and
- take prompt steps reasonably calculated to stop any substantiated conduct, prevent its recurrence, and, as appropriate, remedy its effects.
Such an inquiry may be appropriate when, for example, the Complainant alleges Prohibited Conduct by an organization, a person whose identity is unknown, or a third party, or alleges conduct by multiple people that rises to the level of Prohibited Conduct only when considered in the aggregate. The extent of the inquiry and responsive steps will depend on the specific circumstances.
This includes, for example:
- the nature and location of the alleged conduct, the University’s relationship to the Complainant, and
- the University’s relationship to the Complainant, and
- the University’s relationship to and level of control over the organization or person alleged to have engaged in the conduct.
The Title IX Officer will complete the inquiry promptly (typically within 60 days, unless extended for good cause), and notify the Complainant of the outcome.