Complaint Resolution Process

Complaint Resolution Process

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For complaints of any form of discrimination and harassment, OPHD follows resolution process that is established in the UC systemwide policy and corresponds to campus implementing procedure. These processes are developed so that every case is reviewed and addressed in a consistent way. Our aim is to work with those who bring allegations of misconduct, those who respond to those allegations, and anyone else who contributes information to the fact-gathering process, in a way that is as transparent and respectful as possible for everyone involved. OPHD’s role focuses on delivering a fair and objective resolution process, as opposed to supporting one party over another. Personal advocacy and support resources are available outside of OPHD, and can be utilized throughout a complaint resolution process.

Discrimination and harassment complaint resolution processes follow a general progression from initial report to final outcome. The flow chart on this page represents the general process.

A flowchart depicting the general OPHD process. After a report is made, OPHD will conduct an initial assessment. The case may be closed following initial assessment, or an alternative resolution or formal investigation will be conducted if appropriate

Note: This is a generic representation of the complaint resolution process. OPHD follows specific, documented procedures, based on the UC Policy that corresponds to the type of discrimination or harassment alleged. Information on specific complaint resolution processes related to the UC and campus policies and procedures are listed on this page.